Core Concepts - Blade Components
Input wrapper Blade component
The input wrapper component should be used as a wrapper around the input or select components. It provides a border and other elements such as a prefix or suffix.
<x-filament::input.wrapper> <x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="name" /></x-filament::input.wrapper> <x-filament::input.wrapper> < wire:model="status"> <option value="draft">Draft</option> <option value="reviewing">Reviewing</option> <option value="published">Published</option> </></x-filament::input.wrapper>
Triggering the error state of the input
The component has special styling that you can use if it is invalid. To trigger this styling, you can use either Blade or Alpine.js.
To trigger the error state using Blade, you can pass the valid
attribute to the component, which contains either true or false based on if the input is valid or not:
<x-filament::input.wrapper :valid="! $errors->has('name')"> <x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="name" /></x-filament::input.wrapper>
Alternatively, you can use an Alpine.js expression to trigger the error state, based on if it evaluates to true
or false
<div x-data="{ errors: ['name'] }"> <x-filament::input.wrapper alpine-valid="! errors.includes('name')"> <x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="name" /> </x-filament::input.wrapper></div>
Disabling the input
To disable the input, you must also pass the disabled
attribute to the wrapper component:
<x-filament::input.wrapper disabled> <x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="name" disabled /></x-filament::input.wrapper>
Adding affix text aside the input
You may place text before and after the input using the prefix
and suffix
<x-filament::input.wrapper> <x-slot name="prefix"> https:// </x-slot> <x-filament::input type="text" wire:model="domain" /> <x-slot name="suffix"> .com </x-slot></x-filament::input.wrapper>
Using icons as affixes
You may place an icon before and after the input using the prefix-icon
and suffix-icon
<x-filament::input.wrapper suffix-icon="heroicon-m-globe-alt"> <x-filament::input type="url" wire:model="domain" /></x-filament::input.wrapper>
Setting the affix icon's color
Affix icons are gray by default, but you may set a different color using the prefix-icon-color
and affix-icon-color
<x-filament::input.wrapper suffix-icon="heroicon-m-check-circle" suffix-icon-color="success"> <x-filament::input type="url" wire:model="domain" /></x-filament::input.wrapper>
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