Radio Deck
Turn filament default radio button into a selectable card with icons, title and description.
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x


Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

Turn filament default radio button into a selectable card with icons, title and description.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jaocero/radio-deck

To adhere to Filament's theming approach, you'll be required to employ a personalized theme in order to utilize this plugin.

Custom Theme Installation Filament Docs

Add the plugin's views to your tailwind.config.js file.

content: [


use JaOcero\RadioDeck\Forms\Components\RadioDeck;
use Filament\Support\Enums\IconSize;
use Filament\Support\Enums\Alignment;
use Filament\Support\Enums\IconPosition;
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
'ios' => 'iOS',
'android' => 'Android',
'web' => 'Web',
'windows' => 'Windows',
'mac' => 'Mac',
'linux' => 'Linux',
'ios' => 'iOS Mobile App',
'android' => 'Android Mobile App',
'web' => 'Web App',
'windows' => 'Windows Desktop App',
'mac' => 'Mac Desktop App',
'linux' => 'Linux Desktop App',
'ios' => 'heroicon-m-device-phone-mobile',
'android' => 'heroicon-m-device-phone-mobile',
'web' => 'heroicon-m-globe-alt',
'windows' => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',
'mac' => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',
'linux' => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',
->iconSize(IconSize::Large) // Small | Medium | Large | (string - sm | md | lg)
->iconSizes([ // Customize the values for each icon size
'sm' => 'h-12 w-12',
'md' => 'h-14 w-14',
'lg' => 'h-16 w-16',
->iconPosition(IconPosition::Before) // Before | After | (string - before | after)
->alignment(Alignment::Center) // Start | Center | End | (string - start | center | end)
->gap('gap-5') // Gap between Icon and Description (Any TailwindCSS gap-* utility)
->padding('px-4 px-6') // Padding around the deck (Any TailwindCSS padding utility)
->direction('column') // Column | Row (Allows to place the Icon on top)
->extraCardsAttributes([ // Extra Attributes to add to the card HTML element
'class' => 'rounded-xl'
->extraOptionsAttributes([ // Extra Attributes to add to the option HTML element
'class' => 'text-3xl leading-none w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4'
->extraDescriptionsAttributes([ // Extra Attributes to add to the description HTML element
'class' => 'text-sm font-light text-center'
->color('primary') // supports all color custom or not
->multiple() // Select multiple card (it will also returns an array of selected card values)

You can also utilize an Enum class for ->options(), ->descriptions(), and ->icons() . Here's an example of how to create a simple enum class for this purpose:

namespace App\Filament\Enums;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;
use JaOcero\RadioDeck\Contracts\HasDescriptions;
use JaOcero\RadioDeck\Contracts\HasIcons;
enum AssetType: string implements HasLabel, HasDescriptions, HasIcons
case iOs = 'ios';
case Android = 'android';
case Web = 'web';
case Windows = 'windows';
case Mac = 'mac';
case Linux = 'linux';
public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::iOs => 'iOS',
self::Android => 'Android',
self::Web => 'Web',
self::Windows => 'Windows',
self::Mac => 'Mac',
self::Linux => 'Linux',
public function getDescriptions(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::iOs => 'iOS Mobile App',
self::Android => 'Android Mobile App',
self::Web => 'Web App',
self::Windows => 'Windows Desktop App',
self::Mac => 'Mac Desktop App',
self::Linux => 'Linux Desktop App',
public function getIcons(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::iOs => 'heroicon-m-device-phone-mobile',
self::Android => 'heroicon-m-device-phone-mobile',
self::Web => 'heroicon-m-globe-alt',
self::Windows => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',
self::Mac => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',
self::Linux => 'heroicon-m-computer-desktop',

After that, in your form, you can set it up like this:

public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Jay-Are Ocero

Jay-Are Ocero is a full stack developer and UI/UX designer who always been passionate about web development.

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