Fathom Dashboard Widget
Display the most interesting Fathom analytics data in your dashboard.
Developer Tool
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

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This package allows you to integrate a simple analytics dashboard widget for panel.


filament_fathom_light.jpg filament_fathom_dark.jpg


You can install the package via composer:

composer require devlogx/filament-fathom-dashboard-widget

Get the Fathom API-Token and add it your env file.

  1. Visit the Fathom "API" settings page.
  2. Login and click "Create New".
  3. Give your token a name.
  4. Select under Permissions "Site-specific key".
  5. Select your Site and below "Read".
  6. Add the copied API-Token to your .env file:
# ...

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-fathom-dashboard-widget-config"

Optionally, you can publish the translations using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-fathom-dashboard-widget-translations"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
| Fathom API-Token & Site id
| You can acquire your API-Token from the url below:
'api_token' => env('FATHOM_API_TOKEN'),
'site_id' => env('FATHOM_SITE_ID'),
| Fathom Domain
| If you're from the EU, I can recommend using the EU CDN:
'domain' => env('FATHOM_DOMAIN', ''),
| Stats cache ttl
| This value is the ttl for the displayed dashboard
| stats values. You can increase or decrease
| this value.
'cache_time' => 300,


#Create own Dashboard file

Under Filament/Pages/ create a new file called Dashboard.php with following contents:

namespace App\Filament\Pages;
use Devlogx\FilamentFathom\Concerns\HasFilter;
class Dashboard extends \Filament\Pages\Dashboard
use HasFilter;

#Remove the default Dashboard from your PanelProvider


Alternatively if you already have a custom Dashboard, add the HasFilter trait to your Dashboard file.

#Add the Widget to your PanelProvider

\Devlogx\FilamentFathom\Widgets\FathomStatsWidget::class,// <-- add this widget

#Add the plugin to your PanelProvider


#Configure the plugin

->fathomLink(true) //Direct link to fathom analytics page
->pollingInterval("60s") //Auto polling interval
->liveVisitorIcon("heroicon-s-user") //First Block | Live Visitors
->liveVisitorColor("primary") //First Block | Live Visitors
->visitorsIcon("heroicon-s-user-group") //Second Block | All Visitors
->visitorsColor("primary") //Second Block | All Visitors
->viewsIcom("heroicon-s-eye") //Third Block | All Page Views
->visitorsColor("primary") //Third Block | All Page Views
->sessionTimeIcon("heroicon-s-clock") //Fourth Block | Avg. Session Time
->sessionTimeColor("primary") //Fourth Block | Avg. Session Time

#Using the raw Analytics functions

You can use the functions for your own widgets. There are plenty more available.

#Get Dashboard link

use Devlogx\FilamentFathom\Facades\FilamentFathom;
$dashboardLink = FilamentFathom::getDashboardLink();

#Defining the Filter

use Devlogx\FilamentFathom\Concerns\Filter;
$filter = (new Filter())

#Get different data

use Devlogx\FilamentFathom\Facades\FilamentFathom;
//Get active visitors
$activeVisitors = FilamentFathom::activeVisitors($filter,false);
//Get avg session duration
$sessionDuration = FilamentFathom::sessionDuration($filter,false);
//Get visitors
$visitors = FilamentFathom::visitors($filter,false);
//Get page views
$views = FilamentFathom::views($filter,false);


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Develogix Agency

Develogix Agency, based in Austria, is a Fullstack web development firm specializing in the TALL stack and Filament. Known for delivering robust and efficient digital solutions, Develogix excels in creating intuitive and sophisticated web experiences tailored to diverse client needs.

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