Manage any type on your app in Database with easy to use Resource for FilamentPHP
composer require tomatophp/filament-types
after install your package please run this command
php artisan filament-types:install
finally register the plugin on /app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\Type;use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\TypeFor;use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\TypeOf;Â ->plugin(\TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\FilamentTypesPlugin::make()) ->types([ TypeFor::make('posts') ->label('Posts') ->types([ TypeOf::make('categories') ->label('Categories') ->register([ Type::make('news') ->name('News') ->icon('heroicon-o-newspaper') ->color('#fefefe') ]) ]) ])
you can register a type from your provider using our Facade
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Facades\FilamentTypes;use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\Type;use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\TypeFor;use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\TypeOf;Â FilamentTypes::register([ TypeFor::make('products') ->label('Product') ->types([ TypeOf::make('sizes') ->label('Sizes') ->register([ Type::make('xl') ->name('XL') ->icon('heroicon-o-adjustments-horizontal') ->color('warning'), Type::make('sm') ->name('SM') ->icon('heroicon-o-adjustments-horizontal') ->color('warning') ]) ]),]);
You can change the locals within the filament-types
array to include the two character language code that applys to the language you wish to offer. EG:'locals' = ['en'],
you can find any type with the helper method to use it anywhere
type_of( key: 'pending', for: 'notes', type: 'groups');
it will return type model for you.
you can use type column in your table like this
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Components\TypeColumn;Â TypeColumn::make('type') ->for('users') ->type('status') ->allowDescription() ->searchable(),
on your .env
add this
supported cache stores are
+ Redis+ MemCached+ APC+ Array
you can create a page for selected type by just extand base type page
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Pages\BaseTypePage;Â use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Services\Contracts\Type;Â class NotesGroups extends BaseTypePage{ public function getTitle(): string { return "Notes Groups"; }Â public function getType(): string { return "groups"; }Â public function getFor(): string { return "notes"; }Â public function getBackUrl() { return ManageNotes::getUrl(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub }Â public function getTypes(): array { return [ Type::make('todo') ->name("TODO") ->color('#1461e3') ->icon('heroicon-o-list-bullet'), Type::make('ideas') ->name("Ideas") ->color('#13e0da') ->icon('heroicon-o-sparkles'), Type::make('saved') ->name("Saved") ->color('#29a82e') ->icon('heroicon-o-arrow-down-on-square'), ]; }}
it will be not appear on the navigation menu by default but you can change that by just use this method
public static function shouldRegisterNavigation(): bool{ return true;}
if you like to use a type as a package we create a blade component for you to make it easy to use anywhere on your app like this
<x-tomato-type :type="$type" label="Group" />
we have add a lot of hooks to make it easy to attach actions, columns, filters, etc
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Table\TypeTable;Â public function boot(){ TypeTable::register([ \Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('something') ]);}
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Table\TypeActions;Â public function boot(){ TypeActions::register([ \Filament\Tables\Actions\ReplicateAction::make() ]);}
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Table\TypeFilters;Â public function boot(){ TypeFilters::register([ \Filament\Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('something') ]);}
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Table\TypeBulkActions;Â public function boot(){ TypeBulkActions::register([ \Filament\Tables\BulkActions\DeleteAction::make() ]);}
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Form\TypeForm;Â public function boot(){ TypeForm::register([ \Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput::make('something') ]);}
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTypes\Filament\Resources\TypeResource\Actions\ManagePageActions;Â public function boot(){ ManagePageActions::register([ Filament\Actions\Action::make('action') ]);Â }
you can publish config file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-types-config"
you can publish views file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-types-views"
you can publish languages file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-types-lang"
you can publish migrations file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-types-migrations"
if you like to run PEST
testing just use this command
composer test
if you like to fix the code style just use this command
composer format
if you like to check the code by PHPStan
just use this command
composer analyse
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