Send Whatsapp messages using Twilio and native filament Notification Facade class
composer require tomatophp/filament-twilio
first of all you need to add this variables to your .env
then clear you cache
php artisan config:cache
now on your User model add this trait
use TomatoPHP\FilamentTwilio\Traits\InteractsWithTwilioWhatsapp; class User extends Authenticatable{ use InteractsWithTwilioWhatsapp;}
now you are ready to use the notification
\Filament\Notifications\Notification::make() ->body('Your Message You Like To Send Here!') ->sendToTwilioWhatsapp( user: $user, mediaURL: "" );
or you can use it from user model direct
$user->notifyTwilioWhatsapp( message: 'Your Message You Like To Send Here!', mediaURL: "");
you can publish config file by use this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-twilio-config"
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