Json Media
A json field media plugin for Filament Forms|Tables|Infolists.
Infolist entry
Table Column
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

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This package add a json field media for images/documents to filament V3.x and fluents api for front-end in Laravel to display photos and url link for documents ... json-media.webp

V2.x Use now spatie/image package (^PHP 8.2 need)


You can install the package via composer:

composer require webplusm/gallery-json-media

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="gallery-json-media-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="gallery-json-media-views"


Find it on discord


#Prepare your model

use GalleryJsonMedia\JsonMedia\Concerns\InteractWithMedia;
use GalleryJsonMedia\JsonMedia\Contracts\HasMedia;
class Page extends Model implements HasMedia
use HasFactory;
use InteractWithMedia;
protected $casts =[
'images' => 'array',
'documents' => 'array',
// for auto-delete media thumbnails
protected function getFieldsToDeleteMedia(): array {
return ['images','documents'];

#In Filament Forms

use GalleryJsonMedia\Form\JsonMediaGallery;
->visibility() // only public for now - NO S3
->maxSize(4 * 1024)
->replaceNameByTitle() // If you want to show title (alt customProperties) against file name
->image() // only images by default , u need to choose one (images or document)
->document() // only documents (eg: pdf, doc, xls,...)
customPropertiesSchema: [
editCustomPropertiesOnSlideOver: true,
editCustomPropertiesTitle: "Edit customs properties")

#In Filament Tables


use GalleryJsonMedia\Tables\Columns\JsonMediaColumn;

#In Filament Infolists

use GalleryJsonMedia\Infolists\JsonMediaEntry;
use GalleryJsonMedia\Infolists\JsonDocumentsEntry;
->visible(static fn(array|null $state)=> filled($state))
// or for Documents, you can download them here

#In Blade Front-end

<!-- for media -->
@foreach($page->getMedias('images') as $media)
<div style="display: flex;gap: .5rem">
{{ $media }}
<!-- For documents -->
@foreach($page->getDocuments('documents') as $document)
<a href="{{ $document->getUrl() }}" target="_blank">
{{ $document->getCustomProperty('title') }}

You can also control the entire view to render the media by passing a blade file to your view like this :

@foreach($page->getMedias('images') as $media)
<div style="display: flex;gap: .5rem">
{{ $media->withImageProperties( width : 200,height: 180)->withView('page.json-media') }}
<!-- the json-media.blade.php -->
use GalleryJsonMedia\JsonMedia\Media;
/** @var Media $media*/
<figure class="" style="width: {{ $media->width }}px">
<img class="object-cover w-full aspect-video" loading="lazy"
src="{{ $media->getCropUrl(width: $media->width,height: $media->height) }}"
alt="{{ $media->getCustomProperty('alt') }}"
width="{{ $media->width }}"
height="{{ $media->height }}"


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Daniel is a full-stack developer based in Martinique(FRANCE) since 2000 and more than 10 years in Laravel. Currently, enjoys the Filament built-in TALL stack and is willing to actively participate in the Filament community.

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