Croppie Field
Cropper Image Field Plugin For Filament Forms
Form Builder
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

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This package provides an image cropping component for FilamentPHP, using the Croppie.js library. It allows users to interactively crop images before uploading, offering flexible configuration options to control the crop size, aspect ratio, and format.

filament croppie


composer require michaeld555/filament-croppie

After installation, you'll be prompted to publish the configuration file and translations. It's recommended to publish the configuration file to customize the default options.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-croppie-config"

You can also run the install command to publish the config and translations

php artisan filament-croppie:install


The configuration file config/filament-croppie.php allows you to customize the behavior of the Croppie modal. The available options are:

Option Description Default Value
title Modal title. 'Manage Image'
description Modal description. 'Crop the image to the correct proportion'
icon Modal icon (optional). null
size Modal size (e.g., sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl, etc.). 4xl
boundary-height Height of the crop boundary area. 400
boundary-width Width of the crop boundary area. 600
viewport-height Height of the visible crop area (viewport). 200
viewport-width Width of the visible crop area (viewport). 200
enable-resize Enables resizing of the viewport. false
enable-zoom Enables zooming on the image. true
show-zoomer Shows the zoom control. true
viewport-type Type of viewport (circle or square). circle


To use the Croppie component in a Filament form, simply instantiate the Michaeld555\FilamentCroppie\Components\Croppie component:

use Michaeld555\FilamentCroppie\Components\Croppie;
->label('Avatar') // Field label
->disk('public') // Storage disk
->directory('avatars') // Storage directory
// ... other configuration options


#Basic Usage with Custom Upload Path

->label('Profile Picture')

#Circular Crop (Avatar) with Larger Modal

->modalDescription('Please upload a square image for optimal results.');

Screenshot of basic croppie

#Square Crop with Custom Viewport Size and Zoom Disabled


Screenshot of basic croppie

#Croppie Component Methods

  • modalTitle(string | Closure | null $modalTitle): Sets the modal title.
  • modalDescription(string | Closure | null $modalDescription): Sets the modal description.
  • modalIcon(string | Closure | null $modalIcon): Sets the modal icon.
  • modalSize(string | Closure | null $modalSize): Sets the modal size.
  • customClasses(string | Closure | null $customClasses): Sets custom CSS classes for the Croppie container.
  • enableOrientation(bool | Closure | null $enableOrientation): Enables/disables image orientation detection.
  • enableResize(bool | Closure | null $enableResize): Enables/disables viewport resizing.
  • enableZoom(bool | Closure | null $enableZoom): Enables/disables zoom on the image.
  • enforceBoundary(bool | Closure | null $enforceBoundary): Sets whether the image should be forced to stay within the defined boundary.
  • mouseWheelZoom(bool | Closure | string $mouseWheelZoom): Sets the mouse wheel zoom behavior (true, false, or 'ctrl').
  • showZoomer(bool | Closure | null $showZoomer): Sets whether the zoom control should be displayed.
  • forceCircleResult(bool | Closure | null $forceCircleResult): Sets whether the crop result should be forced to a circle.
  • viewportType(string | Closure | null $viewportType): Sets the viewport type ('circle' or 'square').
  • viewportHeight(string | Closure | null $viewportHeight): Sets the viewport height.
  • viewportWidth(string | Closure | null $viewportWidth): Sets the viewport width.
  • boundaryHeight(string | Closure | null $boundaryHeight): Sets the boundary height.
  • boundaryWidth(string | Closure | null $boundaryWidth): Sets the boundary width.
  • imageFormat(string | Closure | null $imageFormat): Sets the resulting image format (e.g., 'png', 'jpeg', 'webp').
  • imageSize(string | Closure | null $imageSize): Sets the resulting image size ('viewport' or 'original').
  • imageName(string | Closure | null $imageName): Allows customizing the image name. By default, a UUID is used.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Michael Douglas

Michael is a full-stack developer from 🇧🇷. He uses Laravel and Filament during his work, and he likes a good challenge

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