Tiles ⚡️ Image, Title and Description
Collection of components to present your data in an elegant way.
Form Builder
Infolist entry
Table Column
Table Builder
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

#Zeus Tiles

a collection of components to present your data in an elegant way. useful for user component and similar date, you can show the user with the name and avatar, including the email, for better visual presentation


  • 🔥 Table column
  • 🔥 Form layout component
  • 🔥 Infolist entry
  • 🔥 Select component


Table Column with tooltip:

Form Layout:

Infolist Entry

Table Column with popover to show more details:

Select Form with image and description:

Select Form with search:

#More Details

✨ to learn more about Tiles, please visit:

Lara Zeus

Let us build it for you; small tasks can be time-consuming. Lara Zeus provides a collection of Laravel packages built with Filament that help you build your site faster and focus on your business.

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