Qr ⚡️ Component
Qr Code Component, Form Field to generate Qr with designing options.
Form Builder
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

Qr Code Input to generate Qr Code with designing options for filamentPHP


  • 🔥 set the destination URL
  • 🔥 all options in modal or slidOver
  • 🔥 configure all options
  • 🔥 Available Options:
    • QR size
    • QR margin
    • QR solid front color
    • QR solid background color
    • Qr style: square, round, dot
    • Gradient Color (from,to)
    • Gradient type (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial)
    • Eye Color (inner,outer)
    • Eye style (square, circle)


#More Details

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