Bring the power of DriverJs to your Filament panels and start a tour to let your users discover your dashboard !
Form Builder
Table Column
Table Builder
Form Field
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 2.x - 3.x

With the power of DriverJS bring to your users an elegant way to discover your panels !


You can install this filament plugin via composer:

For Filament V3.x

composer require jibaymcs/filament-tour:"^3.0"

For Filament V2.x

composer require jibaymcs/filament-tour:"^2.0"

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-views"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
"only_visible_once" => true,


public function panel(Panel $panel) {
return $panel->default()
->plugins([ FilamentTourPlugin::make() ]);

You can also enable or disable the check on the local storage if the current user have already seen the tour.

// default : true

Let's follow this example to add a tour to your dashboard page.

If you don't already have a customized dashboard, please refer to the following tutorial: FIlamentPHP - Dashboard - Customizing the dashboard page

#Use the correct trait to registers your tours !

namespace App\Filament\Pages;
use JibayMcs\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;
class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard {
use HasTour;
// ...
public function tours(): array {
return [];

#Create a simple tour !

public function tours(): array {
return [
->title("Welcome to your Dashboard !")
->title('Woaw ! Here is your avatar !')
->description('You look nice !')

#Create a JSON tour !

#- From a direct URL

public function tours(): array {
return [
Tour::make(url: "")

#- From your Storage

public function tours(): array {
return [
Tour::make(json: Storage::disk('local')->get("TourDashboard.json"))

Important: Using Tour::make(url: "") or Tour::make(json: "") is the same thing, so don't worry about the name of your parameter if you've got the wrong type.
If you use Tour::make('my-tour') it's equal to Tour::make(id: 'my-tour') And here you need to construct all your steps. No JSON reading here.

JSON Example file (click to expand) or Github Gist Link
"id": "dashboard",
"route": "/admin/test-team",
"colors": [
"alwaysShow": true,
"visible": true,
"uncloseable": true,
"ignoreRoutes": false,
"disableEvents": true,
"nextButtonLabel": "Next",
"previousButtonLabel": "Previous",
"doneButtonLabel": "Done",
"steps": [
"title": "Woaw ! First Step !",
"description": "Yeah ! And I'm from a json file !",
"uncloseable": false,
"events": {
"clickOnNext": "body",
"notifyOnNext": {
"title": "Hello World !",
"body": "Woaw ! I'm from a Json file !",
"color": "success"
"redirectOnNext": {
"url": "",
"newTab": true
"dispatchOnNext": [
"id": "edit-user"
"title": "An other one !",
"description": "Yeah ! And I'm from the same json file !",
"uncloseable": false,
"events": {
"clickOnNext": "body",
"notifyOnNext": {
"title": "Hello World !",
"body": "Woaw ! I'm from a Json file !",
"color": "success"
"redirectOnNext": {
"url": "",
"newTab": true
"dispatchOnNext": [
"id": "edit-user"

#Tour methods reference

// Instanciate a tour, and provide an id, to trigger it later
Tour::make(string $id)
// Since, JSON Support update
Tour::make(... $params)
// Define a custom url to trigger your tour
->route(string $route)
//Register the steps of your tour
->steps(Step ...$steps)
// Define a color of your hightlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
->colors(string $light, string $dark)
//Set the tour as always visible, even is already viewed by the user.
->alwaysShow(bool|Closure $alwaysShow = true)
// Set the tour visible or not
->visible(bool|Closure $visible = true)
// Set the 'Next' button label
->nextButtonLabel(string $label)
// Set the 'Previous' button label
->previousButtonLabel(string $label)
// Set the 'Done' button label
->doneButtonLabel(string $label)
// Set the whole steps of the tour as uncloseable
->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)
// Disable all tour steps events
->disableEvents(bool|Closure $disableEvents = true)
// Bypass route check to show the tour on all pages
// Maybe useless, but who knows ?
->ignoreRoutes(bool|Closure $ignoreRoutes = true)

#Step methods reference

// If no element provided, the step act like a modal
Step::make(string $element = null)
// Define the title of your step
// Mandatory
->title(string|Closure $title)
// Define the description of your step
// Also accept HTML
// Mandatory
->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)
// Define an icon next to your step title
->icon(string $icon)
// Define the color of the title icon
->iconColor(string $color)
// Step your step closeable or not
// Default: true
->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)
//Simulate a click on a CSS selected element when you press the next button
->clickOnNext(string|Closure $selector)
// Send a notification when you press the next button
->notifyOnNext(Notification $notification)
//Redirect you to a custom url or a route() when you press the next button
->redirectOnNext(string $url, bool $newTab = false)
// Dispatch an event like `$dispatch()` when you press the next button
->dispatchOnNext(string $name, ...$args)

Same as tour, use the correct trait !

  • Use the correct trait to registers your highlights !
namespace App\Filament\Pages;
use JibayMcs\FilamentTour\Highlight\HasHighlight;
class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard {
use HasHighlight;
// ...
public function highlights(): array {
return [];
  • Create a simple highlight element !
public function highlights(): array {
return [
->title('Whoaw ! You highlighted the title of the page !')
->title("Pssst ! That's your avatar")

#Highlight methods reference

// Instanciate a highlight with a CSS select of the element where the icon button is next to
Highlight::make(string $parent)
// Define the element to be highlighted
->element(string $element)
// Set the title of your highlight
->title(string|Closure $title)
// Set the description of your highlight
->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)
// Define a custom icon for your highlight button
// Default: heroicon-m-question-mark-circle
->icon(string $icon)
// Define the color of the highlight icon button
// Default: gray
->iconColor(string $color)
// Define a color of your hightlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
->colors(string $light, string $dark)
// Set the position of your icon button around the parent
// Default: top-left
// Available: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
->position(string $position)

#Avalaible events:

  • filament-tour::open-highlight string id
    Open a specific highlight by its id.

  • filament-tour::open-tour string id
    Open a specific tour by its id.

Filament Tour, dispatch some event to show tours and highlights. So you can trigger them from your own code.

Basically, if you want a custom button to trigger a tour or a highlight, you can do something like this:

// ======== Highlights
// AlpineJS
<button x-on:click="Livewire.dispatch('filament-tour::open-highlight', 'title')">Show title highlight</button>
// Livewire
<button wire:click="$dispatch('filament-tour::open-highlight', 'title')">Show title highlight</button>
// ======== Tours
<button x-on:click="Livewire.dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', 'title')">Show Dashboard tour</button>
// Livewire
<button wire:click="$dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', 'dashboard')">Show Dashboard tour</button>

Don't forget to prefix your event with filament-tour:: to trigger the correct event.

Important: This tool is always disabled in production mode. APP_ENV=production

Filament Tour embed a simple tool to help you to develop your tours and highlights.

Let me show you how to use it !

#Enable the tool

To enable the tool, simply use FilamentTourPlugin::make()->enableCssSelector() in your plugin declaration.

#Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl|Cmd + Space To open the tool.

Escape To exit the tool.

Ctrl|Cmd + C To copy the CSS Selector of the highlighted element.

CSS Selector Tool Utilisation Preview


The core of this plugin !
Don't hesitate to check the documentation to learn more about the possibilities of this plugin.
I don't implemented all the features of DriverJS, at this time, but I'm working on it !


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Jibay Mcs

Jibay Mcs is a self-taught full-stack developer currently working for a French company. A former lumberjack, he has always had a passion for development.

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