Ban resources in your Filament project.
Table Builder
Panel Builder
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x
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This package uses mchev/banhammer to add model banning functionality to filament.

#Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Version Compatibility
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Testing
  6. Screenshots
  7. Changelog
  8. Contributing
  9. Security Vulnerabilities
  10. Credits
  11. License

#Version Compatibility

Plugin Filament Laravel PHP
1.x 3.x 10.x 8.x
1.x 3.x 11.x 8.2|8.3


This package depends on mchev/banhammer please follow the install guide there first.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require gerenuk/filament-banhammer

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-banhammer-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

Click to expand!
return [
* The name of the resource which the plugin should use.
'resource' => \Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\Resources\BanhammerResource::class,
* Whether an export action should be included on the resource.
'show_export' => true,
* Options for the actions.
'actions' => [
* Options for the ban action.
'ban' => [
* The title of the ban action.
'label' => 'ban',
* The colour of the ban action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the ban action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-no-symbol',
* Whether confirming is required when using the ban action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the ban action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the ban action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the ban action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the ban action.
'title' => 'Banned',
* Error options for the ban action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the ban action.
'title' => 'Failed',
* Options for the edit ban action.
'edit_ban' => [
* The title of the edit ban action.
'label' => 'edit ban',
* The colour of the edit ban action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the edit ban action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-pencil-square',
* Whether confirming is required when using the edit ban action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the edit ban action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the edit ban action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the edit ban action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the edit ban action.
'title' => 'Saved',
* Error options for the edit ban action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the edit ban action.
'title' => 'Failed',
* Options for the unban action.
'unban' => [
* The title of the unban action.
'label' => 'unban',
* The colour of the unban action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the unban action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-no-symbol',
* Whether confirming is required when using the unban action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the unban action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the unban action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the unban action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the unban action.
'title' => 'Unbanned',
* Error options for the unban action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the unban action.
'title' => 'Failed',
* Options for the ban bulk action.
'ban_bulk' => [
* The title of the ban bulk action.
'label' => 'ban',
* The colour of the ban bulk action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the ban bulk action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-no-symbol',
* Whether confirming is required when using the ban bulk action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the ban bulk action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the ban bulk action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the ban bulk action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the ban bulk action.
'title' => 'Banned',
* Error options for the ban bulk action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the ban bulk action.
'title' => 'Failures',
* Options for the edit ban bulk action.
'edit_ban_bulk' => [
* The title of the edit ban bulk action.
'label' => 'edit ban',
* The colour of the edit ban bulk action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the edit ban bulk action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-pencil-square',
* Whether confirming is required when using the edit ban bulk action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the edit ban bulk action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the edit ban bulk action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the edit ban bulk action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the edit ban bulk action.
'title' => 'Saved',
* Error options for the edit ban bulk action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the edit ban bulk action.
'title' => 'Failures',
* Options for the unban bulk action.
'unban_bulk' => [
* The title of the unban bulk action.
'label' => 'unban',
* The colour of the unban bulk action.
'colour' => 'warning',
* The symbol of the unban bulk action.
'icon' => 'heroicon-o-no-symbol',
* Whether confirming is required when using the unban bulk action.
'require_confirmation' => true,
* Notification options for the unban bulk action.
'notifications' => [
* Whether a notification should be shown for the unban bulk action.
'show' => true,
* Success options for the unban bulk action notifications.
'success' => [
* The title of the success notification for the unban bulk action.
'title' => 'Unbanned',
* Error options for the unban bulk action notifications.
'error' => [
* The title of the error notification for the unban bulk action.
'title' => 'Failures',


You first need to register the plugin with Filament. This can be done inside of your PanelProvider, e.g. AdminPanelProvider.

namespace App\Providers\Filament;
use Filament\Panel;
use Filament\PanelProvider;
use Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\FilamentBanhammerPlugin;
class AdminPanelProvider extends PanelProvider
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...

For each model you have added the use Banhammer trait to, you will also need to add the following method:

public function getFilamentBanhammerTitleAttribute()
return $this->name;

[!IMPORTANT] This specifies which property to be displayed in the bans resource.


To be able to ban a resource simply add the Ban action:

use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\Resources\Actions\BanAction;
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...


To be able to unban a resource simply add the Unban action:

use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\Resources\Actions\UnbanAction;
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

A ban resource is included by default if you would prefer to use that instead.

#Ban Bulk

To be able to bulk ban a resource simply add the BanBulk action:

use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\Resources\Actions\BanBulkAction;
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

#Unban Bulk

To be able to bulk unban a resource simply add the UnbanBulk action:

use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Gerenuk\FilamentBanhammer\Resources\Actions\UnbanBulkAction;
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

A ban resource is included by default if you would prefer to use that instead.


composer test



Ban Resource

#Ban Action

Ban Action

#Ban Bulk Action

Ban Bulk Action

#Ban Modal

Ban Modal

#Unban Action

Unban Action

#Unban Bulk Action

Unban Bulk Action

#Unban Modal

Unban Modal


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Gerenuk is a web development agency based in the UK specialising in Laravel & React.

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