Exception Viewer
A Simple & Beautiful Exception Viewer plugin for your Filament Panels.
Panel Builder
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 2.x - 3.x

FILAMENT 8.x Packagist Tests Passing Code Style Passing Downloads

A Simple & Beautiful Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel

  • For FilamentPHP 2.x use version 1.x


  1. You can install the package via composer:
composer require bezhansalleh/filament-exceptions
  1. Publish and run the migration via:
php artisan exceptions:install
  1. Register the plugin for the Filament Panel
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
  1. Activate the plugin by editing your App's Exception Handler as follow:
namespace App\Exceptions;
use BezhanSalleh\FilamentExceptions\FilamentExceptions;
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
public function register()
$this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {
if ($this->shouldReport($e)) {


The configuration file filament-exceptions.php is automatically published into your config directory.

The config file provides you with multiple options to customize the plugin.

#Mass Pruning

By default Filament Exceptions is configured to prune exceptions older than 1 week.

To modify how long you'd like to store records for you can supply a Carbon object like so

'period' => now()->subWeek(), // 1 week
'period' => now()->subDay(), // 1 day
'period' => now()->subDays(3), // 3 days

Note This requires laravel scheduler to be setup and configured in order to work. You can see how to do that here Running The Scheduler

#Custom Exception Model

For those who need to change the model this is possible using the configuration file.

'exception_model' => Exception::class,

When creating your new exception model you should extend the default model

namespace App\Models;
use BezhanSalleh\FilamentExceptions\Models\Exception as BaseException;
class Exception extends BaseException


By default the plugin uses the default theme of Filamentphp, but if you are using a custom theme then include the plugins view path into the content array of your tailwind.config.js file:

export default {
content: [
// ...
'./vendor/bezhansalleh/filament-exceptions/resources/views/**/*.blade.php', // Language Switch Views
// ...


Publish the translations with

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-exceptions-translations


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

#Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Bezhan Salleh

Bezhan Salleh, an expert full-stack developer, shines in the open-source arena with his suite of popular plugins for the Filament community. His standout creation, the Shield plugin, reigns as the most starred and top-ranked open-source plugin, underscoring Bezhan's knack for crafting powerful tools. With a deep passion for technology and innovation, Bezhan consistently delivers with a commitment to excellence.

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