Organize pages in the sidebar in order to make navigation between pages more comfortable.
Note: It supports both pages and resource pages.
Note: For Filament 2.x use version 1.x
LTR (Left to Right)
RTL (Right to Left)
Please check out this video by Povilas Korop (Laravel Daily) to learn more about our package: link
composer require aymanalhattami/filament-page-with-sidebar
optionally you can publish config, views and components files
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-page-with-sidebar-config"php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-page-with-sidebar-views"
use Filament\Resources\Resource; class UserResource extends Resource{ // ... public static function getPages(): array { return [ 'index' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\ListUsers::route('/'), 'edit' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\EditUser::route('/{record}/edit'), 'view' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\ViewUser::route('/{record}/view'), 'manage' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\ManageUser::route('/{record}/manage'), 'password.change' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\ChangePasswordUser::route('/{record}/password/change'), 'dashboard' => App\Filament\Resources\UserResource\Pages\DashboardUser::route('/{record}/dashboard'), // ... more pages ]; } // ...}
public ModelName $record; // public User $record;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;use Filament\Resources\Resource;use AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\FilamentPageSidebar;use AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\PageNavigationItem; class UserResource extends Resource{ // .... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar { return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('User Dashboard') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('dashboard', ['record' => $record->id]); }), PageNavigationItem::make('View User') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('view', ['record' => $record->id]); }), PageNavigationItem::make('Edit User') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $record->id]); }), PageNavigationItem::make('Manage User') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('manage', ['record' => $record->id]); }), PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }), // ... more items ]); } // ....}
// filament.resources.user-resource.pages.change-password-user<x-filament-page-with-sidebar::page> // ... page content</x-filament-page-with-sidebar::page>
or add the trait AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\Traits\HasPageSidebar
on any page you want the sidebar included.
This trait will add the sidebar to the Page. Add it to all your Resource Pages :
// ...use AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\Traits\HasPageSidebar; class ViewUser extends ViewRecord{ use HasPageSidebar; // use this trait to activate the Sidebar protected static string $resource = UserResource::class; protected function getHeaderActions(): array { return [ Actions\EditAction::make(), ]; }}
If you want to use custom view, you can still overwrite the default value with protected static string $hasSidebar = false;
and protected static $view = 'filament.[...].user-resource.pages.view-user';
on any page you want the sidebar included.// ...use AymanAlhattami\FilamentPageWithSidebar\Traits\HasPageSidebar;use Filament\Pages\Page; class GeneralSettings extends Page{ use HasPageSidebar; // use this trait to activate the Sidebar // ... public static function sidebar(): FilamentPageSidebar { return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setTitle('Application Settings') ->setDescription('general, admin, website, sms, payments, notifications, shipping') ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('General Settings') ->translateLabel() ->url(GeneralSettings::getUrl()) ->icon('heroicon-o-cog-6-tooth') ->isActiveWhen(function () { return request()->routeIs(GeneralSettings::getRouteName()); }) ->visible(true), PageNavigationItem::make('Admin Panel Settings') ->translateLabel() ->url(AdminPanelSettings::getUrl()) ->icon('heroicon-o-cog-6-tooth') ->isActiveWhen(function () { return request()->routeIs(AdminPanelSettings::getRouteName()); }) ->visible(true), PageNavigationItem::make('Web Settings') ->translateLabel() ->url(WebsiteSettings::getUrl()) ->icon('heroicon-o-cog-6-tooth') ->isActiveWhen(function () { return request()->routeIs(WebsiteSettings::getRouteName()); }) ->visible(true), // ... ]); } // ...}
You can set the title or description by using setTitle, setDescription, setDescriptionCopyable methods for the sidebar that will be at the beginning of the sidebar on the top, for example
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setTitle('Sidebar title') ->setDescription('Sidebar description') ->setDescriptionCopyable() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make(__('User Dashboard')) ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('dashboard', ['record' => $record->id]); }), PageNavigationItem::make(__('View User')) ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('view', ['record' => $record->id]); }), // ... more items ]);} // ...
You can set navigation as sidebar by using ->sidebarNavigation()
or as topbar by using ->topbarNavigation()
. The default layout is sidebar
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->sidebarNavigation(); //} // ...
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->topbarNavigation(); //} // ...
You can add an icon to the item by using the icon method, for example
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); })->icon('heroicon-o-collection') // ... more items ]);} // ...
You may group navigation items, for example
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }) ->group('Manage User') // ... more items ]);} // ...
You can make an item active "has a different background color" by using isActiveWhen method, for example
// ...public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }) ->isActiveWhen(function () { return request()->route()->action['as'] == 'filament.resources.users.password.change'; }) // ... more items ]);}// ...
You can control the visibility of an item from the sidebar by using visible method, for example
// ... public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }) ->visible(false) // ... more items ]);} ,// ...
You can add a badge to the item by using the badge method, for example
// ...public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }) ->badge("badge name") // ... more items ]);} ,// ...
You can translate a label by using translateLabel method, for example
// ...public static function sidebar(Model $record): FilamentPageSidebar{ return FilamentPageSidebar::make()->translateLabel() ->setNavigationItems([ PageNavigationItem::make('Change Password') ->url(function () use ($record) { return static::getUrl('password.change', ['record' => $record->id]); }) // ... more items ]);} ,// ...
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.