This plugin improves login security by letting you customize rate-limiting settings like duration and the number of attempts. It also notifies admins about suspicious activity
Panel Authentication
Dark theme support
Multi language support
Compatible with the latest version
Supported versions: 3.x

This Filament PHP plugin improves login security by letting you customize rate-limiting settings like duration and the number of attempts. It also notifies admins about suspicious activity


You can install the package via composer:

composer require askerakbar/checkpoint -W

This plugin requires Spatie's Laravel Settings package. Before running the Checkpoint migrations, you must first publish and run the settings migrations.

To do this, use the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\LaravelSettings\LaravelSettingsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

Once that's complete, you can proceed with publishing and running the Checkpoint migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="checkpoint-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Optionally, you can publish the language files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="checkpoint-translations"


You need to initialize the plugin in your Filament panel provider. You can do this by adding the CheckpointPlugin to the plugins method of your panel.

use Askar\Checkpoint\CheckpointPlugin;
public function plugins(): array
return [
//...other plugins

#Contribute / Report a bug / Security Vulnerabilities

If you would like to contriubte, please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Asker Akbar
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