The Filament Wire: Pre-Issue
Jun 2, 2022

Hi and welcome to the pre-issue of The Filament Wire.

#What the hell is a pre-issue?

Ha ha, this is just a little teaser/taster of what I'm planning to bring you in a regular issue of The Filament Wire.

Filament's popularity has sky-rocketed since it's initial launch in Spring '21 - with over 115,000 installs, now averaging 700 installs per day and approaching 3.5K stars on Github.

With a thriving community and growing eco-system, we thought it would be a good idea to bring you a regular bulletin and keep you up to date with what's going on in the Filament world.

#So what can you expect to find in each issue?

Well, the plugin marketplace is growing with plenty of community provided plugins. I'll aim to feature a community plugin in each issue and how to use or set up some of the more involved or complex plugins with their authors.

I'm excited to announce the launch of the Tips & Tricks section of the site. Here you can find community contributed tips & tricks and also answers to some of the questions that regularly get asked in the Filament Discord server. I love the creativity and ingenuity that you have shown when implementing features in your Filament applications. Filament v2 really took things up a notch and you're really exploring what can be achieved with it. I'll look to feature one or two community contributed tricks each issue.

Also on the site is the Links section, where again Filament related links from around the web can be found, providing a useful hub of information. Found something interesting - let the community know and submit a link and I will share them here too.

As I am sure you already know, Dan and Ryan always seem to be available to answer questions and resolve bugs and issues. To be honest I'm not sure how they do it whilst holding down their day jobs but I'm glad they do. There's probably not a day goes by that the repo doesn't get a tagged release. Not all of these releases are bug fixes and sometimes there may be new features and functionality hidden away. I'll try and make sure that you get to know about these features and provide a summary of what's gone into each release between issues.

What else? In addition to the regular slots I'd also like an occasional 'Get to know' feature about some of the community members - a quick Q&A to find out more about some of you awesome people.

You've just finished your amazing Filament app and want to tell the world about it, let's showcase it here.

Are you looking to hire a Filament/TALL stack dev? Yep, let them know here.

#When can we expect each issue?

At the moment, I'm planning a bi-weekly publication the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. This may change, depending on my workload and how much time it takes me to write it up.

We have a great and growing community around Filament. I'd love to know what you'd like to see included in The Filament Wire - I have it on good authority that a comments sections will be arriving soon - so if they're there, let me know in the comments. If not you can find me in the Filament Discord server or directly @Blackpig#0421 - hit me up!

One last thing before I head off, if you haven't done so yet - go share some love and star the repo and if you can, think about becoming a Github sponsor and supporting the amazing work that Dan and Ryan do with Filament (and I promise I won't hassle you every issue to do so).

I'll just leave this here, cos the feeling's mutual

