• "Title With Slug" Input - Easy Permalink Slugs

"Title With Slug" Input - Easy Permalink Slugs

Plugin information

by camya

Form builder Field Admin panel

The TitleWithSlug component allows you to edit titles and slugs for SEO, just like in a classic WordPress blog. Use it for posts, tags, categories,...


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The TitleWithSlugInput component for the Filament Form Builder allows to edit titles and slugs easily.

It is inspired by the classic WordPress title & slug implementation.

The plugin is fully configurable. You can change all labels, use your own slugifier, use a route() to generate the "View" link, hide the host name, and many more. Read the full documentation

Watch the » Demo Video «

You can install the package via composer:

composer require camya/filament-title-with-slug

Use it in your Filament Resource:

fieldTitle: 'title', // The name of the field in your model that stores the title.
fieldSlug: 'slug', // The name of the field in your model that will store the slug.

The plugin is complete configurable. Read the full documentation


  • Slug edit form.
  • "Visit" link to view the generated URL.
  • Auto-generates the slug from the title, if it has not already been manually updated.
  • Undo an edited slug.
  • Create SEO slugs for posts, products, categories, tags, and more.
  • All texts customizable and translatable.
  • Dark Mode supported.
  • Fully configurable.

Visit the GitHub Repository for all details.