• Memory Tracker Widget

Memory Tracker Widget

Plugin information

by Danilo Polani

Admin panel Developer tool Widget

Track the memory usage of your workers and display them in your Filament admin dashboard.


#memory-tracker on Discord







Install the package via composer:

composer require danilopolani/filament-memory-tracker

Then publish the assets and the config of the package:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-memory-tracker-assets
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-memory-tracker-config


When upgrading be sure to republish the assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-memory-tracker-assets --force


There are a few notable configuration options for the package.

Key Type Description
cache_store String Define the cache store used to track memory usage. By default it will be your CACHE_DRIVER env value.
trackers Array A list of trackers names to be displayed in the dashboard. They must be the same used in your MemoryTracker() instance. See Usage below to discover more.
date_format String The DateTime format to display dates.


In your Worker create a new MemoryTracker instance and then ping the track() method every time you want. There's an example with ReactPHP Event Loop.

ℹ️ The $realUsage flag is the same as memory_get_usage().
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use DaniloPolani\FilamentMemoryTracker\MemoryTracker;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use React\EventLoop\Loop;
class MyWorker extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'worker:run';
* The memory tracker instance.
* @var MemoryTracker
protected MemoryTracker $memoryTracker;
* Class constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->memoryTracker = new MemoryTracker('Worker');
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle()
// Ping every 5minutes
Loop::addPeriodicTimer(60 * 5, function () {
$this->memoryTracker->track(bool $realUsage = false);
return 0;

Then don't forget to add your tracker name inside the configuration too:

return [
// ...
'trackers' => [

Track restarts

You can track the latest Worker restart date and memory usage as well! If you're working on a custom Worker, you should intercept the exit signals and then call the $memoryTracker->trackRestart() method. Otherwise you can use the Trait provided by the package to achieve that:

  1. Include DaniloPolani\FilamentMemoryTracker\Concerns\TracksRestart inside your class;
  2. Call $this->trackRestartMemory(MemoryTracker $memoryTrackerInstance) inside your constructor.
⚠️ The TracksRestart requires the extension pcntl to be enabled.
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use DaniloPolani\FilamentMemoryTracker\MemoryTracker;
use DaniloPolani\FilamentMemoryTracker\Concerns\TracksRestart;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use React\EventLoop\Loop;
class MyWorker extends Command
use TracksRestart;
// ...
public function __construct()
$this->memoryTracker = new MemoryTracker('Worker');
// ...

Laravel Queue

You can track Laravel Queue too by listening to some specific events in a provider, for example your AppServiceProvider.

namespace App\Providers;
use DaniloPolani\FilamentMemoryTracker\MemoryTracker;
use Filament\Filament;
use Illuminate\Queue\Events\Looping;
use Illuminate\Queue\Events\WorkerStopping;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
$memoryTracker = new MemoryTracker('Queue');
// Track memory usage
Event::listen(Looping::class, function () use ($memoryTracker) {
// Track restarts
Event::listen(WorkerStopping::class, function () use ($memoryTracker) {

Additional notes

  • The widget will refresh every 5s automatically;
  • By default the widget will be shown full-width if there's more than 1 tracker; otherwise, the widget will be a single block:
Memory Tracker widget single block


These are the available methods of the MemoryTracker class:

Key Description
track(): void Track the current memory usage for the worker.
trackRestart(bool $resetPeak = true): void Track a restart. If $resetPeak is true, the memory peak will be purged as well.
getHistory(): array Get the worker's history of memory usage.
getPeak(): array|null Get the worker's memory peak. Returns null if no peak found.
getLatestRestart(): array|null Get the worker's latest restart data. Returns null if no restart found.
purge(): void Purge all the data of the current worker.
purgeHistory(): void Purge the track history only of the current worker.
purgePeak(): void Purge the memory peak of the current worker.
purgeRestart(): void Purge the latest restart data of the current worker.