• Maps
  • Maps
  • Maps
  • Maps
  • Maps
  • Maps
  • Maps


Plugin information

by Danilo Andrade

Admin panel Widget

Render map widgets using Leaflet with Filament Actions support.


#maps on Discord







composer require webbingbrasil/filament-maps


Create a widget class and extend Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Widgets\MapWidget:

use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Actions;
use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Marker;
use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Widgets\MapWidget;
class Map extends MapWidget
protected int | string | array $columnSpan = 2;
protected bool $hasBorder = false;
public function getMarkers(): array
return [
Marker::make('pos2')->lat(-15.7942)->lng(-47.8822)->popup('Hello Brasilia!'),
public function getActions(): array
return [

Map Configuration

For some configuration its possible to use properties:

  • $mapOptions: array with options available on Leaftlet. See Leaflet documentation for more details.
  • $tileLayerUrl: string or array with tile layer url`s. Default to OpenStreetMap.
  • $hasBorder: show a border around the map. Default is true.
  • $rounded: show a rounded border around the map. Default is true.
  • $height: height of the map. Default is 400px.
  • $heading: set the heading of the map.
  • $footer: set the footer of the map.

But you can also use the setUp method if you need more control:

public function setUp(): void

The setUp method is called on mount of the widget. See livewire lifecycle hooks for more information.

Global Configuration

If you want to set a default configuration for all instances of the map widget, you can use the configureUsing method in a service provider:

MyMap::configureUsing(function (ResellerMap $widget) {
->popup('I am a popup')
->tooltip('I am a tooltip'),
'attribution' => 'Map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',

Tile Layers

The map uses OpenStreetMap tiles by default, but you can change it to use any other provider using $tileLayerUrl property or tileLayerUrl method. It's recommended to also use the tileLayerOptions to set correct attributions.

Multiple Tile Layers

You can also use multiple tile layers:

protected string | array $tileLayerUrl = [
'OpenStreetMap' => 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
'OpenTopoMap' => 'https://{s}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
protected array $tileLayerOptions = [
'OpenStreetMap' => [
'attribution' => 'Map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
'OpenTopoMap' => [
'attribution' => 'Map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, SRTM | Map style © <a href="https://opentopomap.org">OpenTopoMap</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>)',

And you can use a action to change the tile layer:

->callback('setTileLayer(mode === "OpenStreetMap" ? "OpenTopoMap" : "OpenStreetMap")'),

Dark Mode

If you want to use a dark mode tile layer, you can use the HasDarkModeTiles trait. This trait will automatically set two tiles layers and listen Filament dark-mode-toggled event. You can change the default tile layers using the $lightModeTileLayerUrl and $darkModeTileLayerUrl properties.


You can add actions to the map widget. Actions are buttons that can be clicked to perform an action using a JS callback. You can create your own actions or use the ones provided by the package.

Zoom Action

The ZoomAction action will add a button to the map that will zoom in or out the map. You can set the zoom level using the zoom() method:

Actions\ZoomAction::make()->zoom(2), // Zoom in/out 2 levels

Center Map Action

This action will center the map on a specific position.

use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Actions;
public function getActions(): array
return [
Actions\CenterMapAction::make()->centerTo([51.505, -0.09])->zoom(13),

You can also center the map on user position:


Note: The center on user position feature will only work if the user browser supports Navigator.geolocation. Also, the user must be on a secure context (HTTPS) and needs to allow access to the location.

Custom Action

You can create your own actions using Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Actions\Action.

For example, a action to add new markers:

use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Actions;
->action(function (array $data, self $livewire) {

In this example we use addMarker() method to add a new marker dynamically. You can also use removeMarker() and updateMarker() methods.


Note: Markers need to have a unique name. If you try to add a marker with the same name as an existing one, the existing one will be replaced.

Using JS Callback

This approach is useful if you want to use a custom javascript to manipulate the map without using Livewire.

map.setView([0,0], 2)

Use map property to access the Leaflet instance on your action callback.

Action Position

You can set the position of the action using position() method:


Action Icon

You can set the icon of the action using icon() method:



You can add markers to the map widget. Markers are points on the map that can be clicked to open a info popup or execute a JS callback.

use Webbingbrasil\FilamentMaps\Marker;
->popup('I am a popup'),
->tooltip('I am a tooltip')
alert('Hello World!');

Use map to access the Leaflet instance on your action callback.


You can add polylines to the map widget. Polylines are lines on the map drawn on the map between two lat/lng points. If your have multiple polylines, each polyline must have an unique name.

public function getPolylines(): array
return [
[45.51, -122.68],
[37.77, -122.43],
[34.04, -118.2]
])->options(['color' => 'blue', 'weight' => 5])
->tooltip('I am a tooltip')
->popup('I am a popup'),

You can use options listed at Leaflet Polyline options

Polylines actions

You can use actions as described above to manipulate polylines:

Actions\Action::make('add line')
->tooltip('Add line')
->action(function (array $data, self $livewire) {
[$data['lat1'], $data['lng1']],
[$data['lat2'], $data['lng2']]

In this example we use addPolyline() method to add a new polyline dynamically. You can also use removePolyline() and updatePolyline() methods.
